pod logs show:
23.5-231 2508.852: [broker] onSslHandshake done
23.5-231 2509.361: [broker] connection established
23.5-231 2764.950: warning: long telemetry sample: 106 ms (1/105)
23.5-231 2859.029: warning: long telemetry sample: 110 ms (1/109)
23.5-231 2936.039: warning: long telemetry sample: 104 ms (73/31)
23.5-231 3141.130: warning: long telemetry sample: 101 ms (68/33)
23.5-231 3218.171: warning: long telemetry sample: 103 ms (70/33)
23.5-231 3312.252: warning: long telemetry sample: 110 ms (80/30)
23.5-231 3389.257: warning: long telemetry sample: 103 ms (70/33)
but doesn't show in the Connection Broker Site under application
No application shown in Connection Broker site
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Wed Mar 20, 2024 12:07 am
- Posts: 1659
- Joined: Tue Aug 10, 2004 7:52 pm
Re: No application shown in Connection Broker site
Unfortunately, the log you have provided is incomplete, which limits our ability to investigate the issue you're experiencing.
Could you please send us the complete log file to support@yourkit.com? Additionally, we kindly ask that you provide the ID associated with your connection broker account.
Best regards,
Vladimir Kondratyev
YourKit GmbH
"Don't get lost in data, get information!"
Could you please send us the complete log file to support@yourkit.com? Additionally, we kindly ask that you provide the ID associated with your connection broker account.
Best regards,
Vladimir Kondratyev
YourKit GmbH
"Don't get lost in data, get information!"
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Fri Mar 22, 2024 6:22 pm
Re: No application shown in Connection Broker site
Following are the logs from one of the pods
Hope these are sufficient
The username associated with broker account is omkar1984in@gmail.com
Hope these are sufficient
The username associated with broker account is omkar1984in@gmail.com
Code: Select all
23.5-231 0.000: Log file: /home/user/.yjp/log/service-7.log
23.5-231 0.000: Command line:
23.5-231 0.000: Executable: /usr/lib/jvm/java-17-amazon-corretto/bin/java
23.5-231 0.000: uname:
sysname: Linux
release: 5.15.133+
version: #1 SMP Sat Dec 30 13:01:38 UTC 2023
machine: x86_64
23.5-231 0.000: Linux; linux-musl-x86-64; 64-bit process
23.5-231 0.002: hid: 360261Y3V8453W47U17UV81Y2499999999 64-bit machine
23.5-231 0.002: RAM: 128827 MB
23.5-231 0.002: Today is 20240322
23.5-231 0.002: full_build_stamp: 2023.5.231 202308172006
23.5-231 0.002: Agent library path: /app/service/yourKit/YourKit-JavaProfiler-2023.5/bin/linux-musl-x86-64/libyjpagent.so
23.5-231 0.002: getTimeNsInfo: "monotonic"
23.5-231 0.002: y_setenv: _YJP_AGENT_LOADED=7
23.5-231 0.002: jvmtiVersion: 30110000
23.5-231 0.002: phase: 1
23.5-231 0.002: vendor: Amazon.com Inc.
23.5-231 0.002: version: 17.0.10+7-LTS
23.5-231 0.002: specVersion: 17
23.5-231 0.002: info: mixed mode, sharing
23.5-231 0.002: heap_sampling: capability is available
23.5-231 0.002: virtual_threads: capability is not available (isAttached=0, version=17.0.10+7-LTS)
23.5-231 0.002: asynchronous sampling: available
23.5-231 0.007: inside Kubernetes: 1
23.5-231 0.007: session GUID: aOhPcuWXYgtwFkkuZcWk
23.5-231 0.008: line_method: 1
23.5-231 0.008: heap_sampling: will be used instead of BCI
23.5-231 0.015: Jar file created: /tmp/yjp202308172006.jar
23.5-231 0.016: JVMTI 30110000; 17.0.10+7-LTS; Amazon.com Inc.; mixed mode, sharing; Java version: 17
23.5-231 0.051: warning: possible performance issue: probe class pattern is "*", none of @InstanceOf, @This, @RetransformIfInstanceOf specified: com.yourkit.probes.builtin.JUnitTests$Run_Probe
23.5-231 0.052: warning: possible performance issue: probe class pattern is "*", none of @InstanceOf, @This, @RetransformIfInstanceOf specified: com.yourkit.probes.builtin.JUnitTests$SetUp_Probe
23.5-231 0.052: warning: possible performance issue: probe class pattern is "*", none of @InstanceOf, @This, @RetransformIfInstanceOf specified: com.yourkit.probes.builtin.JUnitTests$TearDown_Probe
23.5-231 0.072: Successfully registered probes: 28
Registered: .AgentLoadingSupport
Registered: .AsyncChannels
Registered: .AwtEvents
Registered: .Cassandra
Registered: .CassandraLW
Registered: .Databases
Registered: .DatabasesLW
Registered: .DirectoryStreams
Registered: .Files
Registered: .FilesLW
Registered: .HBase
Registered: .HBaseLW
Registered: .JNDI
Registered: .JPA_DataNucleus
Registered: .JPA_EclipseLink
Registered: .JPA_Hibernate
Registered: .JPA_OpenJPA
Registered: .JUnitTests
Registered: .MongoDB
Registered: .MongoDBLW
Registered: .Processes
Registered: .Servlets
Registered: .ServletsLW
Registered: .Sockets
Registered: .SocketsLW
Registered: .Sync
Registered: .TestNg
Registered: .Threads
23.5-231 0.176: async_sampling: native libs: 10
23.5-231 1.579: agentStart: 1
23.5-231 1.579: agentStart: 2
23.5-231 1.581: agentStart: OK
23.5-231 1.585: vmInit: 1
23.5-231 1.593: vmInit: async-sampling initialization
23.5-231 1.596: vmInit: 2
23.5-231 1.596: agentInit: 1
23.5-231 1.596: agentInit: isAttached=0
23.5-231 1.607: AddModuleExports returned 0:JVMTI_ERROR_NONE
23.5-231 1.619: agentInit: Core loaded
23.5-231 1.629: setTriggers:
23.5-231 1.629: setTriggers: to unregister: 0
23.5-231 1.629: setTriggers: method listeners to register: 0
23.5-231 1.629: setTriggers: OK
23.5-231 1.629: ourUnsafe: true
23.5-231 1.659: agentInit: Core.init() called
23.5-231 1.659: Retransform early class: java/io/FileInputStream
23.5-231 1.661: [broker] connecting; port=443; host=broker.yourkit.com; url=https://broker.yourkit.com:443/8RKDVAYG7JjCMbO6dgnQ/
23.5-231 1.664: Retransform early class: java/io/FileOutputStream
23.5-231 1.667: Retransform early class: java/lang/Thread
23.5-231 1.682: [broker] onSslHandshake done
23.5-231 1.687: agentInit: OK
23.5-231 1.687: vmInit: 3
23.5-231 1.687: onStartProfiling: entering...
23.5-231 1.687: onStartProfiling: done
23.5-231 1.687: vmInit: OK
23.5-231 1.933: tracing=off: large method: 2719 java.util.regex.CharPredicates forProperty(java.lang.String, boolean)
23.5-231 2.126: tracing=off: large method: 6530 sun.nio.cs.StandardCharsets$Aliases init(java.lang.Object[])
23.5-231 2.188: SP: pin java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
23.5-231 2.197: [broker] connection established
23.5-231 2.521: [m: 5320 157] total classes: processed=1000 instrumented=930 413ms
23.5-231 3.197: SP: pin java.io.FileNotFoundException
23.5-231 8.246: [m: 5351 286] total classes: processed=2000 instrumented=1781 920ms
23.5-231 10.159: tracing=off: large method: 8176 sun.text.resources.cldr.FormatData getContents()
23.5-231 10.161: tracing=off: large method: 3264 sun.text.resources.cldr.FormatData_en getContents()
23.5-231 10.181: tracing=off: large method: 3433 java.lang.CharacterData00 toLowerCase(int)
23.5-231 10.181: tracing=off: large method: 3456 java.lang.CharacterData00 toUpperCase(int)
23.5-231 10.182: tracing=off: large method: 3056 java.lang.CharacterData00 toUpperCaseEx(int)
23.5-231 11.692: SP: pin java.lang.NoSuchFieldException
23.5-231 11.945: SP: pin java.lang.NoSuchMethodException
23.5-231 16.072: SP: pin sun.nio.fs.UnixException
23.5-231 16.072: SP: pin java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException
23.5-231 16.076: SP: pin javax.naming.NoInitialContextException
23.5-231 16.512: [m: 5369 412] total classes: processed=3000 instrumented=2647 1484ms
23.5-231 19.710: SP: pin java.lang.InterruptedException
23.5-231 20.762: tracing=off: large method: 15123 sun.util.resources.cldr.TimeZoneNames_en getContents()
23.5-231 20.773: tracing=off: large method: 18520 sun.util.resources.TimeZoneNames getContents()
23.5-231 20.979: tracing=off: large method: 4437 sun.text.resources.FormatData getContents()
23.5-231 20.988: SP: pin java.util.MissingResourceException
23.5-231 21.021: SP: pin javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException
23.5-231 21.614: SP: pin javax.management.AttributeNotFoundException
23.5-231 21.650: SP: pin org.jolokia.converter.json.ValueFaultHandler$AttributeFilteredException
23.5-231 23.320: tracing=off: large method: 2331 com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl$FragmentContentDriver next()
23.5-231 23.387: tracing=off: large method: 2126 com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xinclude.XIncludeHandler handleIncludeElement(com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.XMLAttributes)
23.5-231 23.399: SP: pin com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.xni.parser.XMLConfigurationException
23.5-231 23.437: SP: pin com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.XMLEntityScanner$1
23.5-231 23.637: tracing=off: large method: 2180 org.apache.logging.log4j.core.util.CronExpression getTimeAfter(java.util.Date)
23.5-231 23.685: [m: 5391 452] total classes: processed=4000 instrumented=3560 2002ms
23.5-231 24.779: SP: pin java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
23.5-231 24.779: SP: pin jakarta.validation.NoProviderFoundException
23.5-231 34.472: tracing=off: large method: 2049 sun.security.util.KnownOIDs $values()
23.5-231 34.488: [m: 5403 482] total classes: processed=5000 instrumented=4388 2649ms
23.5-231 34.541: tracing=off: large method: 2356 com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE putEntries()
23.5-231 35.466: tracing=off: large method: 5113 org.springframework.asm.ClassReader readCode(org.springframework.asm.MethodVisitor, org.springframework.asm.Context, int)
23.5-231 38.307: SP: pin org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException
23.5-231 38.361: SP: pin org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException
23.5-231 42.399: SP: pin com.lmax.disruptor.TimeoutException
23.5-231 49.840: SP: pin java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
23.5-231 54.030: [m: 5421 526] total classes: processed=6000 instrumented=5162 3224ms
23.5-231 61.713: GC counter installed to G1 Young Generation
23.5-231 61.713: GC counter installed to G1 Old Generation
23.5-231 66.640: [m: 5438 559] total classes: processed=7000 instrumented=5999 3758ms
23.5-231 71.760: tracing=off: large method: 2292 org.springframework.asm.Frame execute(int, int, org.springframework.asm.Symbol, org.springframework.asm.SymbolTable)
23.5-231 72.047: SP: pin org.springframework.cglib.core.ClassNameReader$EarlyExitException
23.5-231 75.223: SP: pin org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCurrentlyInCreationException
23.5-231 79.140: SP: pin java.lang..
23.5-231 80.819: tracing=off: large method: 2179 org.aspectj.apache.bcel.ConstantsInitializer initialize()
23.5-231 81.132: [m: 5448 583] total classes: processed=8000 instrumented=6837 4360ms
23.5-231 81.176: tracing=off: large method: 2432 org.aspectj.apache.bcel.classfile.Utility codeToString(org.aspectj.apache.bcel.util.ByteSequence, org.aspectj.apache.bcel.classfile.ConstantPool, boolean)
23.5-231 90.697: SP: pin java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError
23.5-231 90.698: SP: pin org.apache.tomcat.jni.LibraryNotFoundError
23.5-231 98.545: [m: 5459 694] total classes: processed=9000 instrumented=7723 4877ms
23.5-231 124.187: SP: pin java.lang..
23.5-231 124.683: [m: 5536 737] total classes: processed=10000 instrumented=8573 5369ms
23.5-231 127.208: SP: pin java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
23.5-231 154.049: tracing=off: large method: 2577 sun.security.ssl.CipherSuite $values()
23.5-231 154.108: tracing=off: large method: 7690 com.sun.crypto.provider.DESCrypt expandKey(byte[])
23.5-231 154.133: tracing=off: large method: 3852 com.sun.crypto.provider.AESCrypt implDecryptBlock(byte[], int, byte[], int)
23.5-231 154.250: SP: pin java.io.IOException
23.5-231 154.308: [m: 5553 784] total classes: processed=11000 instrumented=9417 5954ms
23.5-231 164.939: SP: pin java.lang.TypeNotPresentException
23.5-231 172.441: tracing=off: large method: 2681 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve invoke(org.apache.catalina.connector.Request, org.apache.catalina.connector.Response)
23.5-231 173.476: SP: pin javax.naming.NamingException
23.5-231 173.801: tracing=off: large method: 2074 com.intuit.ifs.afeLibrary.broker.diis.msg.Message <init>(com.intuit.ifs.afeLibrary.broker.diis.msg.Message)
23.5-231 180.832: [m: 5573 1253] total classes: processed=12000 instrumented=10314 6555ms
23.5-231 201.595: SP: pin java.lang.ClassCastException
23.5-231 207.838: [m: 5582 1549] total classes: processed=13000 instrumented=11186 7230ms
23.5-231 210.209: SP: pin java.lang.IllegalStateException
23.5-231 210.210: SP: pin org.springframework.beans.ConversionNotSupportedException
23.5-231 211.613: SP: pin javax.management.MalformedObjectNameException
- Posts: 1659
- Joined: Tue Aug 10, 2004 7:52 pm
Re: No application shown in Connection Broker site
We observe multiple connected agents in your broker account. Could you please send a screenshot that demonstrates the problem to support@yourkit.com?
For your privacy and security, please do not share the screenshot or any other confidential data here (in the public forum).
Best regards,
Vladimir Kondratyev
YourKit GmbH
"Don't get lost in data, get information!"
For your privacy and security, please do not share the screenshot or any other confidential data here (in the public forum).
Best regards,
Vladimir Kondratyev
YourKit GmbH
"Don't get lost in data, get information!"
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Fri Mar 22, 2024 6:22 pm
Re: No application shown in Connection Broker site
Sent email with screenshots