Database Probe distorts profiling results

Questions about YourKit Java Profiler
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Database Probe distorts profiling results

Post by Jonas »

Looking into profiling results i see various Database Probe calls take significant amount of total time spent in data access layer. So if i see that my code spends 50% time in data access (hibernate my case) I can't rely on this deciding on optimization direction as bunch of this time is spent in Yourkit code, and actual time spent in data access may be much less than shown.
Can this be optimized in some way to reduce time spent in Yourkit code? I still need actual SQLs to be recorded
Using Yourkit EAP 14088

Anton Katilin
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Joined: Wed Aug 11, 2004 8:37 am

Re: Database Probe distorts profiling results

Post by Anton Katilin »

Yes, probes provide additional information but can add overhead. To minimize profiling overhead turn the probes off.

Anyway, let's investigate the overhead in your particular case.

Could you please provide a snapshot file demonstrating the problem.
Please capture it with the released version instead of the EAP build.
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