Fully featured low overhead profiler for Java EE and Java SE platforms.
Easy-to-use performance and memory .NET profiler for Windows, Linux and macOS.
Secure and easy profiling in cloud, containers and clustered environments.
Performance monitoring and profiling of Jenkins, Bamboo, TeamCity, Gradle, Maven, Ant and JUnit.


Settings page displays the most important properties you might need to administer the YouMonitor application. Editing of properties requires administrative privileges.

Settings link in the web application drawer:

Settings in drawer

Plugin configuration file

Path to the youmonitor.json file which contains the application settings. Do not edit the configuration file while YouMonitor is running, because your modifications will be overwritten on application shutdown.

Plugin process user

The name of the user which runs the CI server plugin.

Repositories location

The directory where YouMonitor keeps the repositories data. By default repositories data are being stored in CI server plugin directory, and the exact location depends on your CI server.

You may want to control location of the repositories data. To accomplish this, do the following:

  • Stop the CI server. It is very important to stop the server, otherwise repositories data might be corrupted.

  • Edit youmonitor.json and modify repositories property.

      "repositories": "/mnt/my-new-repositories-dir"

    repositories should point to the directory where the plugin has permissions to write and read. You may need value of user property to adjust the permissions.

  • Move the repository data from old location to the new directory.

  • Start your CI server.

Plugin log files location

Directory where the YouMonitor stores the log files. You can inspect YouMonitor logs for troubleshooting.

Data age limit

Parameter dataAgeLimitDays in the youmonitor.json configuration file allows to specify maximum age (in days) of the monitoring data. As soon as data becomes older that the specified limit, they will be automatically deleted.

Be careful, because your existing data which are older than the specified age will be deleted. We recommend to backup the repository before changing this setting.

In the example below, we set age limit to 90 days:

    "dataAgeLimitDays": 90

Data size limit

dataSizeLimitMb parameter in the youmonitor.json configuration file defines maximum size (in MiB) of the stored monitoring data. As soon as the size of the data exceeds the specified limit, the oldest monitoring data will be automatically deleted.

Be careful, because your existing data which exceed the specified limit will be deleted. We recommend to backup the repository before changing this setting.

In the example below, we set size limit to 2 GiB:

    "dataSizeLimitMb": 2048

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